
- Assessing Liquefaction Triggering Hazard due to Induced Seismicity
- ASCE-7 Seismic Site Classification/Seismic Design Category
Determination Process for Improved Sites - ShakeVT2: Program for Equivalent Linear Seismic Site Response Analysis
- Development of “true” liquefaction triggering curve
- Geotechnical Investigation of Bivalve-Sediment Interaction with Regard to Bivalve Farms as a Self-Sustained Scour Mitigation Method
- Comparison of Computer Programs for Analysis of Braced and Anchored Excavations
- Use of Drains to Mitigate Liquefaction
- Effects of internal shearing in landslide kinematics
- Energy-based Liquefaction Evaluation Procedure
- Treatment of Epistemic Uncertainty in Site Effects in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analyses
- Evaluating Liquefaction Potential of “Challenging” Soil Sites
- Correlations for Residual Shear Strength of Fine-Grained Soils
- State of the Art of Slope Stability Analysis Subjected to Seismic Loads
- Influence of Curing Temperature on Strength of Cement-treated Soil
- Optimum Mix Design for the Wet Method of Deep Mixing
- Lateral Spreading Design of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Column-Supported Embankments
- Soil Mechanics of Coastal Erosion in Response to Hydrodynamics and Morphodynamics
- Best-practices for seismic site response analysis for the Central and Eastern US
- Liquefaction Case Histories from the 1931 Hawkes Bay, New Zealand Earthquake
- Assessment of Cyclic Strain Approach for Evaluation of Initial Liquefaction
- Energy-based Liquefaction Evaluation Procedure
- Treatment of Epistemic Uncertainty in Site Effects in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analyses
- Liquefaction Damage Potential Indices
- Numerical Response Analysis of Levees to Earthquake Shaking
- Non-spectral Ground Motion Parameters Equations
- Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW): Application to Roadway Design
- Influence of Soil-Foundation-Structure-Interaction on Seismic Collapse Capacity of a Steel Building
- The Importance and Value of Geology for Geotechnical Engineering
- Characterizing Nearshore Sandy Sediments Using Portable Free Fall Penetrometers
- Validation of Remote Sensing for Beach Trafficability Assessments
- Pore Pressure Measurements During Free-fall Penetration Testing
- Pore Pressure and Temperature Variations in Mixed-Sand-Gravel at Advocate Beach
- Development of a Mobile Seafloor Layer Sampler as an Add-on Unit for Portable Free-fall Penetrometers
- Numerical Simluation of a Free Fall Penetrometer Deployment in Clay
- In-Situ Improvement, Dewatering, Closure, and Stability of CCR Surface Impoundments
- Removal and Replacement
- Multi-Scale Characterization of Quartzitic and Carbonate Sands
- Long Term Performance of Energy Piles
- Temperature Effects on the Erosion of Cohesive Soils
- Working Platforms and Equipment Support Mats
- Strength and Deformation Properties of Soil-Cement
- Lateral Load Response of Controlled Modulus Column Supported Footings
- Seismic Stability of Column Support Embankments
- Stability of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Column-Supported Embankments
- Estimating Movements of Braced Excavations
Other Projects:
- The Application of Energy Concepts to the Evaluation and Remediation of Liquefiable Soils
- Assessment of current scour prediction methods with regard to specific site conditions
- Behavior of Soils Under High Pressure Impact
- Characterization of Rock Fractures Based on Cylindrical Samples
- Columnar Reinforcement of Soft Ground beneath Roadway Embankments
- Deformation-Based Design of Geotechnical Composite Foundation Systems Incorporating Columnar Support with or without Geosynthetic Reinforcement
- Deformations and Stability of Water-Filled Tubes
- Development and Implementation of a Rockfall Hazard Rating System
- Development of an Internet/GIS-Based Landslide Inventory
- Development of a mobile seafloor layer sampler as an add-on unit for portable free-fall penetrometers
- Discrete Element Modeling of Interphase Systems
- The Effects of Vibration on the Penetration Resistance and Pore Water Pressure in Sands
- Effects of within-day and within-week peaking on bank erosion of the Roanoke River downstream of the Roanoke Rapids Dam
- Enhanced Performance Specifications for Embankment Construction
- Experimental Study of Liquefaction Behavior of Sand
- GAANN: An Interdisciplinary Program in Environmental Biogeochemistry
- Geotechnical and Environmental Problems with Pyritic Shales
- Geotechnical investigation of Arctic nearshore sediments
- Geotechnical investigation of Great Bay, NH, with regard to prevailing hydrodynamic conditions and in comparison to acoustic backscatter intensity
- Geotechnical survey strategies for cost-efficient ocean renewable energy early site characterization
- IGERT: Exploring Interfaces through Graduate Education and Research
- In-situ geotechnical investigation of wetland channels in coastal Louisiana with regard to ongoing sediment dynamics
- Intelligent Compaction Primer
- Investigation of Shear Strength for Pseudo-Static Analysis of Repaired Landslides
- ITR: Adaptive and real-time geologic mapping, analysis and design of underground space (AMADEUS)
- Laboratory Procedure for Preparing and Curing Soil-Cement Specimens
- Leaching Study of Soil-Lime Mixtures using Marine Clay from Northern Virginia
- Nanoscale modeling and macroscopic homogenization of the behavior of rock minerals and interfaces
- Nano- to macro-scale modeling of rock mechanical behavior under extreme loading conditions
- New Failure Criterion for Interphase Systems
- Passive Site Remediation for Liquefaction Risk Mitigation
- Performance of Dam Filters in the Event of Cracking
- Performance of Improved Ground and Reinforced Soil Systems during Earthquakes ? Case Studies and Numerical Analysis
- Prediction and Geographical Information System (GIS) Mapping of Ground Motions and Site Response Due to Varying Local Soil Conditions in Charleston, SC and Two Neighboring Counties: First Phase Development of a GIS for Seismic Hazard Evaluation
- Procedures for post-liquefaction stability analysis of embankment dams and foundations
- Quality Control for Ground Improvement
- Rapid Mapping of Rock Fractures by Close-Range Remote Sensing
- Rapid Stabilization/Polymerization of Wet Clay Soils
- Reconnaissance Survey of the February 17, 2006 Leyte, Philippines, Landslide
- Residual shear strength of cohesionless soil deposits
- Stabilization of Soft Clay Subgrades in Virginia ? Phase I Laboratory Study
- Unified Approach for Multiscale Characterization, Modeling, and Simulation for Stone-based Infrastructure Materials
- Unique Geological and Geotechnical Factors Associated with Liquefaction of Ancient Beach Deposits in Coastal SC